Lecture 0 (8/28/2024): Introductions and a bestiary of algebraic objects
Lecture 1 (9/9/2024): Group basics: subgroups, normality, actions, some counting
Lecture 2 (9/11/2024): The Sylow theorem and friends
Lecture 3 (9/16/2024): Group action grab-bag, group presentations
Lecture 4 (9/18/2024): Sylow experiments for order 750, products and extensions
Lecture 5 (9/23/2024): Nilpotent group, semidirect products
Lecture 6 (9/25/2024): Group extensions and their splittings
Lecture 7 (9/30/2024): Group extensions and cohomology
Lecture 8 (10/2/2024): Group cohomology
Lecture 9 (10/7/2024): The Schur-Zassenhaus Theorem
Lecture 10 (10/9/2024): Solvable and nilpotent groups
Lecture 11 (10/14/2024): Towards Jordan-Hölder
Lecture 12 (10/16/2024): The dévissage philosophy, Jordan-Hölder and start of Krull-Schmidt
Lecture 13 (10/21/2024): Review
Lecture 14 (10/28/2024): Chain conditions on X-modules
Lecture 15 (10/30/2024): Simple X-modules and complete reducibility
Lecture 16 (11/4/2024): Rings
Lecture 17 (11/6/2024): Semisimple rings
Lecture 18 (11/11/2024): Artinian rings and the Jacobson radical
Lecture 19 (11/13/2024): Wedderburn-Artin theory and introduction to categories
Lecture 20 (11/18/2024): Some category theory
Lecture 21 (11/20/2024): Exact sequences and projective modules
Lecture 22 (11/25/2024): Tensor products
Lecture 23 (12/2/2024): Bi-endomorphisms and the Morita theorems