
UGA MATH/CS 4670/6670, Fall 2016.
how to count things

  • Welcome to Combinatorics!

    Welcome to Combinatorics!

    This is where you will find announcements, information about homework assigments, and other things!

Danny's schedule below. If you see a free spot that you would like to meet me, please send me an email and make an appointment!

Danny Krashen
Office Hour
M 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, Boyd 437

MWF 1:25 pm - 2:15 pm, Boyd 323

Our textbook is Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, written by Kenneth P. Bogart, and available for free (GNU FDL) online.

As an extra resource, the book Applied Combinatorics by Roberts and Tesman is a nice reference, with a pretty good overlap on topics.

Applied Combnatorics on Amazon