Topics in the geometry of schemes

University of Pennsylvania, MATH 6250, Fall 2022.
Algebraic Geometry 2: Topics in the geometry of schemes

self-similarity expressed through an impressionistic painting of birds
Lecture 1 (1/13/2023): What and why are schemes, part 1: schemas and spaces
Lecture 2 (1/20/2023): What and why are schemes, part 2: gluing schemes badly
Lecture 3 (1/23/2023): Affine schemes intrinsically: Spectra as topological spaces, reintroduction to sheaves
Lecture 4 (1/27/2023): The structure sheaf is a sheaf
Lecture 5 (1/30/2023): Schemes as locally ringed spaces
Lecture 6 (2/3/2023): Zariski sheave in the large
Lecture 7 (2/6/2023): Open and closed subschemes
Lecture 8 (2/10/2023): Fiber products and the meaning of the word 'point'
Lecture 9 (2/13/2023): Grothendieck topologies, sites and topoi
Lecture 10 (2/17/2023): Stacks and gluing
Lecture 11 (2/20/2023): Morphisms between sheaves, Zariski algebraic spaces
Lecture 12 (2/24/2023): Zariski algebraic spaces continued: covering and gluing
Lecture 13 (2/27/2023): Quasi-coherent and coherent sheaves, Affine morphisms
Lecture 14 (3/3/2023): More sheaves of modules, Projective morphisms
Lecture 15 (3/17/2023): Projective morphisms, beginnings of divisors
Lecture 16 (3/20/2023): The functor of points of projective space
Lecture 17 (3/24/2023): Globally generated line bundles and maps to projective space
Lecture 18 (3/27/2023): Line bundles and divisors. Intro to formal smoothness
Lecture 19 (3/31/2023): Newton's method, Hensel's Lemma and smoothness
Lecture 20 (4/7/2023): Cohomology from a bird's eye view
Lecture 21 (4/10/2023): Derived functors and derived categories
Lecture 22 (4/14/2023): Faithfully flat descent, topologies and higher stacks
Lecture 23 (4/17/2023): Homotopical descent
Lecture 24 (4/21/2023): Deformations of smooth schemes